Kit-Contact Wheel on Arm

Kit-Contact Wheel on Arm

from $158.00

Please note, our accessory arms are 2” square. If you do not have an AmeriBrade grinder, please check what size your accessory arms should be.

10 inch wheel shown for reference, but the kit will come with whatever size wheel you choose

Wheel Size:
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If you’re having a hard time choosing the right size contact wheel for hollow grinding blades, the chart below should help.

Directions for using selection chart below:

  1. Start in the blue column and locate the row corresponding to a blade thickness close to what you typically make.

  2. Move to the right along that row until you find a white cell with a bevel height close to what suits your design.

  3. Follow that column up to the red or yellow cells to identify the wheel diameter or radius needed to achieve that bevel height in that blade thickness.

Note: The chart assumes the cutting edge is ground to zero thickness. The more material you leave on the edge for sharpening, the shorter your bevel will be.

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